What is Encore Global Network (EGN)?
The EnCORE (Enhanced Concepts, Opportunities, Research, And/or Expertise) Global Network is a global marketplace of enhanced concepts/innovations, unique products, projects, particular professional expertise, assistance in profit increase and/or cost reduction, business opportunities, and new efficient technologies in all stages of development, listed in our database by Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise Providers (COREP) and Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise Seekers (CORES).
Who are the Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise Providers (CORES)?
Please visit the Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise Seekers (CORES) page to find more information about CORES.
Who are the Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise Providers (COREP)?
Please visit the Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise Providers (COREP) page to find more information about COREP.
What is the difference between the Encore Global Network and other networks offering similar services?
Combination of free listing of the Concepts, Opportunities, Research, and/or Expertise by Providers and Seekers and sophisticated global network marketing, with potential opportunities for high rewards for all, are the major advantages over our competitors.
Does Encore Global Network provide help for legal and/or patenting services?
The Encore Global Network is not offering such services directly.
Does Encore Global Network offer recruiting of professionals like “Head Hunters”?
The Encore Global Network is not an employment agency and is not offering such services directly. However, assistance to find professionals with required unique expertise, in particular global regions or fields if required by the CORE Seekers, is part of our service assistance.
Why it is good time to join the Encore Global Network now?
A lot of professionals, scientists, developers, students, retirees, outsourced workers, or simply creative people are looking for new opportunities or extra income these days. Also, most of the companies facing the biggest challenges today are looking for creative ideas, would like to take advantage of unique opportunities, and/or available valuable expertise to resolve their problems. Today’s challenging economic climate demands that we should investigate unique know-how to help turn our vision into reality and our ideas into results. In these tough economic times, most of the small or large companies are aware that quite often very minor initial investment related to implementation of Enhanced Concepts, Opportunities, Research, or Expertise could drastically improve competitiveness, marketability, position, and bottom line results. Therefore, now is the best time to investigate, join our network, and take advantage of the available opportunities.
Is there a minimum marketing effort requirement?
No minimum marketing effort is required. However, in order to exploit available marketing opportunity and to keep open the possibility to share potential profit, some minimal effort is highly recommended. CORE Provider or CORE Seeker shall determine their own working schedule and type of activities.
Can CORE Providers or CORE Seekers use any form of advertising?
Only advertising methods acceptable to the applicable rules and regulations can be used by our CORE Providers or CORE Seekers. The Encore Global Network rejects any advertising methods referred to as “scum-ware” and any spam. If an CORE Provider or CORE Seeker adopts any one of these methods, we will be obligated to freeze his revenues and permanently ban him or her from the program. If deemed necessary, we may also take legal action. We have sophisticated means to trace traffic coming to our web site from any of these platforms. If you are aware of or possess evidence of such abuse, please do not hesitate to notify us. While we provide and encourage email marketing, we prohibit any spam effort. Any form of spam will result in your account being closed.
Do CORE Providers and CORE Seekers get support?
CORE Providers and CORE Seekers can Contact Us in order to obtain advising / resolution of any issue, and we will try to answer all queries within 48 hours.
How long after registration will CORE Providers and CORE Seekers be ready to review the database, list any CORE, or perform any other effort?
Once an CORE Provider or CORE Seeker receives the message of registration acceptance and a password, he or she should be ready to begin!
How can project progress be tracked?
CORE Providers and CORE Seekers are normally responsible for tracking the progress of any project.
How can CORE Providers and CORE Seekers find out about available Innovations, Opportunities, Needs and/or Requirements?
A brief Description of the available Innovations, Opportunities, Needs and/or Requirements, sufficient for preliminary evaluation is provided in our database. A detailed description, sufficient for final evaluation, to be provided after the NON-DISCLOSURE / NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT will be executed, if necessary.

If you would like to know more about available innovations and opportunities, or have specific needs and requirements, please Contact Us.